Wednesday, February 21, 2018

What makes a wind-up toy work?

What is inside a wind-up toy? As part of our study of inventions, we carefully disassembled some wind-up toys to see what was inside and what we could learn about them.

We first examined how they moved, and made some predictions about what we would find inside.

Then we got out our screwdrivers and got to work.

We noted some of the simple machines we learned about  - almost every toy had wheels and axles, at least in the wind-up mechanism, whether they rolled or jumped or tottered, and all were held together with tiny screws.

We noted how the tiny gears fit together, and how several small parts came together to form a larger part that performed a function.

We recorded the steps we took to take it apart, and tried to draw and label what we observed.

I wonder if we will end up having a few toys created by the time we are done with this unit?

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