Monday, June 18, 2018

Shaking it up with Shakespeare

We love word play at Seabury, so of course when we study the Renaissance, we do not pass up on the opportunity to study the great bard, even with first- and second-graders. We started the week before by reading some great Shakespeare adaptations for children and watching videos of some of his plays performed for children. Then on the Friday of our "Shakespearean Quest" we dived right into the language with a survey of expressions attributed to Shakespeare. Did you know phrases like "All that glitters is not gold," "wild goose chase," "green-eyed monster" (jealousy), and "as luck would have it" are all from Shakespeare? Turns out that as a class, we had heard or were familiar with every single one on our list of 25! Then we wrote a few Shakespearian compliments:

These are also fun to illustrate!
We did a short introduction to iambic pentameter and tried our hand at writing a sonnet, and then
we moved on to the good stuff - writing our own short plays or puppet shows, creating scenery, backdrops, props and costumes in the MakerSpace:

As per usual in a Shakespeare play, there was comedy,


and misadventure,

but mostly a whole lot of fun!
...and there live we, as merry as the day is long ...

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