After evaluating the Mayflower Compact, the children decided that all persons should be included and all persons should be invited to sign a classroom compact. Here is what The Transitioners created:
Our Classroom Compact
In the name of Seabury School, peace be with us all. We whose names are underwritten, The Transitioners Subjects, by the grace of our classroom. On this day, November 15, 2019, we, The Transitioners, promise to have fair rules in our classroom. Mrs. Moon as our guide, we will promise to each other respect, safety, integrity, cooperation, and responsibility. Furthermore, we wish for:
- an organized environment
- to be helpful and kid to one another
- treat others the way you want to be treated
- we want peace during literacy and to not disturb others during worktime
- kind hands (no pushing)
- freedom to ask questions and ask for help with spelling
- for all to take the initiative to clean up what you see, without being asked
- to live and learn with a growth mindset