Wednesday, December 19, 2018

What do Bernoulli's Law of Aerodynamics and Reindeers have in common? We tested some hypotheses to find out.

Our annual Snowflake Breakfast included a photo booth. 

For our literature studies, we've been reading "The Trumpet of the Swan" by E.B. White. We made clay models of Louis with his beloved trumpet.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's......GALLON MAN

                          Gallon man is an interactive way to learn liquid volume equivalents.

We began our next unit on animals with some Stuffed Animal Classification (Taxonomy).

We enjoyed a special educational day at the Cougar Mountain Zoo in Issaquah, WA.

 In addition to housing endangered and protected species, the privately owned Zoo also contains the largest bronze statue collection in the U.S. Their motto is "Conservation through Education".

How Do You Lift a Lion?

After reading, How Do You Lift a Lion? by Robert E. Wells students were given a challenge to make a pulley to lift a "lion". The ...